Saturday, July 4, 2009


We are safe and sound in Cochabamba. The journey was long, and for most of us it began at about 3:30 in the morning on Wednesday July 1. The taxi picked me and Ben up at our house at 4:00, and we were at the airport by 4:30, where a number of students were already checking in. American Airlines, typically, made things unnecessarily difficult - one student was denied permission to board because she lacked her yellow vaccine card, though she already had the Bolivian visa. Instead, she had to go home, find her card, and fly standby that night, arriving in time for the orientation the next day.

The orientation in Santa Cruz went well, as we covered all the bases
of the program. New this year, we met in small groups with the individuals who will be leading our service activities. The students all seemed very engaged with their projects, and were fast coming up with lots of ideas for how to develop the projects to which they have been assigned.

Friday at noon we headed to the Santa Cruz airport, and flew the short hop to Cocha- bamba. Our students are now with their host families, and today (Saturday) enjoyed a day of rest. Tonight we are gathering to celebrate the 4th of July over pique macho (see photo - not exactly classic American fare, but it does have hot dogs on it) and picante de pollo. Tomorrow will be our first day in Loma Pampa, site of many of our ongoing service projects.

1 comment:

David said...

Glad you all made it safely. Maybe pique macho will become the new 4th of July fare. Anything with hot dogs can be considered patriotic.
David R