The chicas of Group C - Kelly, Aida, and Katie - returned to Concordia Central today (Monday June 9) to attend the meeting of the women's group. These women are working with R. to establish a project in "cultura nativa," making crocheted designs on cloth, suitable for framing. The designs featured blue-eyed peasant children and people in Mexican sombreros, so I wasn't sure what exactly was "native" about this practice. But the women are all very into learning how to make these items, which they hope to sell or at least decorate their homes with. Our students are helping out in this activity, learning to make these things themselves, and getting to know the women. It was a friendly exchange, though the women were shy and the students equally so. But each student has her own tutor, who will work with her in making the crafts, and in time I'm sure they'll all come around.
I can't help but laugh at my poor abilities to do needlepoint with the senoras of Cultura Nativa. They were more than happy to help me learn, and more than happy to laugh with me at my many mistakes. My favorite part of the experience was the set of rules created by the newly formed women's group. Rule number 3: Cero chisme. Zero gossip.
- Katrine
The women at first were very shy and would not really look us in the eyes or chat back with us. Although even at the end of the first session all the women did not feel so comfortable with us but a handful we okay with helping us. I was assigned a women to help teach me the knitting style and she was still shy. She would laugh when i would mess up and fix it. I know as they get more comfortable with us as a whole things will get better in terms of chatting with us and not being so shy. One women tried to keep giving me her seat because I was sitting on the floor but I would refuse as nicely as i could. I enjoyed the first day and I know from here it can only get better.
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