Things are shaping up. Last year the details involved in running this program made me ill - literally (see my old blog posts). Too much coordination, too many changes, too much uncertainty. To avoid that, I am trying to lay as much of the ground work now as possible, knowing, of course, that in Bolivia everything is constantly in flux. Nevertheless, through the good work of my friends at
Bolivia Cultura (see the photo, above), I am making good progress. We now have schedules for our language classes and service work - a big advance over last year, when coordinating these things was the bane of my existence. We also have defined three clear projects for our students to be involved in, offering a much stronger, more focused service plan that last year. Overall, I am very encouraged.
Is everyone going to have the same schedule or are we splitting into groups? What type of projects?
thanks daniel and really looking forward to you being healthy this year :)
Everyone will do service together as a group on Sundays, and be divided into smaller groups for other projects during the week.
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