Someone will get sick on the first day in Bolivia. Don't let it be you. Wash your hands a lot. Don't drink the tap water. Don't brush your teeth with the tap water. Don't eat food that you buy on the street. Eat only in restaurants that you know are safe. Don't eat fruit or vegetables that have been washed in tap water.
When we arrive in Cochabamba, you may feel funny at first from the high altitude. It may be hard to sleep the first few nights. You may feel nauseous, especially if you drink alcohol.
You will feel uncomfortable speaking Spanish at first, if it is not your native language. Don't be shy - people have low expectations and will be happy with your attempts. Be polite to people and they will think the world of you. Shake hands with everyone upon joining or leaving a group of people. Say "provecho" or "gracias" when finishing a meal. Little things go a long way.
These are some really good tips to have. I hope we don't get into a really large group... that's a lot of hands to shake.. :)
You guys will be fiiiine, DG stop scaring everyone! LOL Jump right into getting to know your peers as they will become your family in the upcoming weeks. Estoy TAN envidiosa de todos ustedes!
ps enjoy the hotel too!
Different hotel this year! We couldn't afford that fancy place again!
oh boo, more reason to go exploring then!
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